Series of Lectures des Forschungs- und Lehrbereichs English Literature and Culture in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Interdisziplinären Arbeitskreis Schottland – Sommersemester 2017

Series of Lectures:
Mainz Meets Scotland: Negotiating European Identities

R. Emig, Di, 12:15–13:45, P 5 (Philosophicum)
Vorlesungsbeginn: 25.4.17

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz enjoys many contacts with Scottish Universities, with ex­change and collaboration opportunities for stu­dents and staff. These links will become all the more important in the coming years, with the Brexit negotiations placing a particular emphasis on Scotland’s role in the United Kingdom and in Europe.
This series of lectures, sponsored by the newly established Mainz Scotland Hub (Interdiszipli­närer Arbeitskreis Schottland), is designed to shed light on the manifold issues affecting Scotland’s identity in the context of Europe – in the past as well as the present and the future. The interdisciplinary lectures will permit diffe­rent disciplines, e.g. History, Literary, Book and Cultural Studies, Education, Politics, Economics, Theology, Law, but also the Natural Sciences, to present their particular views on Scotland and its connections with Europe, Germany, Rhine­land-Palatinate, and Mainz, links that in some cases go back to Roman times and even earlier. Lectures will last for about 60 minutes to leave ample time for responses, questions and debate.

For more information see:

Weitere Infos und Kontakt:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Emig, Leiter des Inter­disziplinären Arbeitskreises Schottland,
Department of English and Linguistics,
English Literature and Culture, JGU Mainz
Telefon: +49 6131 39-22145
Internet: und

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