Wagner, Prof. Dr. Claudia – Votragsexposé – Wintersemester 2019/2020

Schöne neue Datenwelt!? Datenkompetenz und Digitalisierung

!!! Achtung, der für den 28.11.19 vorgesehene Vortrag von

Prof. Dr. Claudia Wagner

Assistant Professor for Data Science, Universität Koblenz-Landau • Interim Director of Computational Social Science Department, GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln

Digital Manifestations of Gender Bias

Vortrag in englischer Sprache

muss leider ausfallen !!!

Contemporary and historic gender inequalities and bias manifest on the web. Measuring these biases and inequalities is important since we need to raise awareness and avoid that algorithms reinforce biases and inequalities. This talk is firstly about measuring the manifestations of gender bias and inequality in a widely used online information system (Wikipedia) and secondly about measuring one root of the problem, sexist attitudes. I will describe the methodological challenge we face when trying to measure psychological or sociological constructs like attitudes based on platform-generated digital traces of humans.

Claudia Wagner is the interim Scientific Director of the department Computational Social Science at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and a W1 professor for Data Science at University Koblenz-Landau. Wagner received her PhD from Graz University of Technology in 2013. Prior to that she conducted several international research internships, among others at HP labs (Social Computation Lab), Xerox PARC (Augmented Social Cognition Lab) and the Open University (Knowledge Media Institute). To date, she has been awarded substantial research funding either as a PI or co-PI, was awarded with a DOC-fFORTE fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and received four best paper awards at international conferences (SocialCom 2012, ICWSM 2014, WebSci 2015 and ESWC 2010). She has published full papers in top tier conference (e.g., WWW, ICWSM, Web Science) and high-impact journals (e.g., IEEE Intelligent System Journal, EPJ Data Science).
Wagner's research interests include (i) methodological challenges that arise when using digital trace data to build models of human behavior and attitudes and (ii) the impact of the digitalization on society. How are algorithms impacting our decision-making process? Under which conditions are minorities put at a disadvantage on digital platforms? And how are minorities presented and perceived online?

Selected Publications:
Lee, Eun, Fariba Karimi, Claudia Wagner, Hang-Hyun Jo, Markus Strohmaier, and Mirta Galesic. 2019. "Homophily and minority-group size explain perception biases in social networks." Nature Human Behavior 3 (10): 1078–1087. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-019-0677-4.
Jadidi, Mohsen, Fariba Karimi, Haiko Lietz, and Claudia Wagner. 2018. "Gender disparities in science? Dropout, productivity, collaborations and success of male and female computer scientists." Advances in Complex Systems 21 (3-4): 1750011. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219525917500114.
Wagner, Claudia, David Garcia, Mohsen Jadidi, and Markus Strohmaier. 2015. "It's a Man's Wikipedia? Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia." In: Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media: 26 – 29 May 2015, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 454–463.

Nächster Vortrag in dieser Reihe:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertel

(Leiter des Instituts für Künstliche Intelligenz · Leiter des Steinbeis Transferzentrums KIDS, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten)
Künstliche Intelligenz und nachhaltige Zukunft?
Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019, 18:15 Uhr, Hörsaal N 1 (Muschel)